Sunday, February 21, 2016

Valentine Unwrapped

So I've been absent for two weeks and, who am I kidding? I know nobody reads this, at least now! I've been busy with an urgent work project, and I just sent out the files today and feel free for the first time in 22 days. Lol...
Sweet husband has been here since last Wednesday, so there's another full-time occupation I've had. Oh God I love it when he is home. He just brightens up everything! The way he smiles, the way he looks at me, holds me and kisses me, and even the way he breathes when he is asleep is a blessing.
We met on 2009, two days after Valentine's day. It was a rainy day, and as it was inappropriate to meet an unknown boy in a public place ( and still is in our type of society, somehow!!) I just told him that I would ask him one question and leave. As you may know, Persain parents are mostly strict about this type of stuff. In the majority of the country, boys and girls are not allowed to be friends and specially be boyfriends and girlfriends! Families don't like it that way, and prefer to meet the guy and set an engagement date or let the engagement happen before they can allow the young couple to appear in public places, but that is changing quite fast right now. My generation had to keep everything under a wrap! We had to stay private, not even telling our parents because if they knew we were seeing someone, it would be hell unleashed!
Personally, I told my mother about us to make her let us see each other sonetimes, and as I was the most stubborn girl ever, I managed to keep our relationship going private and just as boyfriend and girlfriend for a few years before we got hitched. But I know people who have been together for more than seven years now, and have managed to keep it secret. Congrats, I can't imagine how they do it!! :/

He is the sweetest, most gentle man I've ever met, and I thank God for him every single day, even when we've had a little bit of disagreement on some stuff and aren't exactly in the most happy place, which happens so rarely. And by the way, all couples have disagreements, that's what makes us human, right, being different?
Anyway, he is asleep right now, and I've been planning to take a shower and wash my hair and tidy up the house a bit, and then take some time to paint my nails and stuff like that... But actually the sound of his breathing is so relaxing that I'm feeling an urge to fall asleep right here, right now!!! I just managed to get out of the bed and try to get up and do all the things I was planning to do. Good day to you all! :)

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